Remy went to talk to Tito because she's upset that Nick hasn't called her. She told him he was right and that she never should have told Nick the truth. Tito was more concerned about whether he's talked to Joe or Paulina. Nick arrives and says it's not surprising to find the two of them together. Remy wants to talk to Nick, but he told her they have nothing left to say and leaves. Remy's upset, but Tito told her that he's just a cold person, and he had unrealistic expectations of her. She's better off without him. She says she loves Nick, and if he came back, she'd take him back in a heartbeat.
Toni, Chris, Donna, Etta Mae, Paulina and Joe are organizing the Chamber of Commerce dinner at the Lucky Lady. Joe was still distracted by the fact that he lost the tape. Paulina says that at least Grant was out of town, but then in walks Grant. He says as mayor he wouldn't miss this dinner, he has to give the keynote speech. Joe orders Grant to leave, and Grant starts taunting Joe about Paulina until Joe loses it and attacks him. The others pull Joe off of Grant, but Joe threatens him still. Grant told Joe he's reporting his threats. Joe says he doesn't care; Grant's days are numbered. He says Grant better leave, or he'll kill him. Grant laughs at the thought of "boy-scout Joe" doing him in. Next, Paulina threatens Grant. He seems to take her threats much more seriously, and eventually leaves. Cindy follows him and remarks that scene went a little far even for him. She asks what he did when he was out of town. He leaves without answering her.
Vicky has nightmares about Grant. She wakes up saying his name, and Jake asks what that was about. She says it's nothing. He reminds her that she promised to stay away from Grant. He says he's not accusing her of lying, but he thinks she needs to talk about her obsession. She tells him she wants to go running, and after she leaves she says to herself that she'll never lie to Jake again once she catches Grant. Meanwhile, Jake finds Grant's cufflink on the floor of their bedroom. He realizes that Vicky has been lying to him.
Back at Carlino's, Joe was still seething. Paulina tries to get him to talk, but he won't. Tito arrives to ask Paulina about the money. She says there's some more red tape they have to get through at the bank, but the money will come through soon. Paulina's locket falls off and Tito helps her put it back on. She asks him where his locket is, and he remembers that Remy has it. Tito says he leaves the locket at home. It's not something a guy would wear. She told him to bring it with him next time and she could make it into a pin or something. Then Tito leaves, because Paulina told him Joe was having a bad day. Joe starts to leave, too, but Paulina wants him to stay and talk. He's too angry at Grant, and threatens him loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear before he leaves.
Jake finds Donna and demands to know if she knew about Grant being at his house yesterday. She's evasive, even after Jake shows her the cufflink. He begs her to tell him what she knows. She says Vicky was alone when she got there and didn't mention Grant. Jake says he doesn't believe her. She told him to talk to Vicky about it. She leaves, and Chris comes over and asks Jake what's wrong. He says his marriage was a joke. Jake told Chris that Vicky's lying to him. Chris tries to calm him down; he says if Vicky was lying, she must have felt she had no other choice. He says Jake needs to calm down, because he appears to be on the verge of doing something he can never take back. Jake chills out a bit, and told Chris that he's not going to worry about dealing with Vicky anymore. He's going after the source of the problem... Grant.
Grant hires Mr. Freeman to dig into Joe and Paulina's past for information he can use against them. He sends Freeman away and went into his bedroom, where he was surprised to find Vicky. She tries to be playful with him, but he told her he knows what she's up to, and told her to get the hell out of there. Vicky was surprised by Grant's reaction. He says he knows she's been snooping around trying to pin something on him. Cindy gets there in time to listen in. Vicky denies Grant's accusations. She declares that she loves him, but that it's too risky for him to come to her house. She asks him how she can convince him of her feelings, but he says she can't. She kisses him, and asks him to make love to her. He's still not buying it; he says her kisses lack passion. She says she's always worried about Jake showing up, so he makes reservations at a hotel. He says he never wanted anyone more than her, and she says she feels the same way about him. They kiss, and Cindy enters the room. She told Vicky to get her hands off Grant. Grant orders Cindy to leave, but she told him he's crazy to believe a word Vicky says. She told Vicky she'll get more proof that she and Jake are out to get Grant. Vicky asks her why Grant would believe the person who shot him. She says Marley told her everything. Grant screams at Cindy that she's a maniac and then attacks her. Vicky pulls Grant off Cindy and says she's not worth it. Grant told Vicky that she should go home. Cindy told Vicky that she'll pay for what she's done today. Vicky leaves, and Cindy told Grant that she never tried to kill him. But, he told her, she did shoot him, and they've both known it for a long time. She asks why he he tried to throttle her for it just now. Because I can, he told her. She says he's scaring her, and he says good, she should be frightened.
Nick thinks back to his earlier conversation with Remy. He wishes he'd handled things differently. He thinks they can work out their problem. Meanwhile, Remy finds Tito again. She was broken-hearted and starts to cry. Tito seems to feel bad seeing her upset, and they hug. He told her she's better off without Nick. She says he just doesn't get it. All she wants was to be loved, and she came so close to that with Nick. Tito told her that he has dreams of his own.. even ones that include love. She asks what he's talking about, and he kisses her. Nick arrives in time to see them kissing. He freaks out, saying that he actually came back to apologize for being a jerk earlier. Remy wants to explain, but he says every time she explains something, it makes things worse. He says the two of them deserve each other.
When Joe gets back to Carlino's, he's much calmer. He says he just snapped, but now it's over. However, when he sees Grant's picture in the paper, he fantasizes about sneaking up behind Grant and killing him with a choke hold. He told him he has the right to remain silent... forever. Paulina returned with soup for Joe and sees him smiling. She comments that it's a beautiful sight, and Joe, still in his fantasy, agrees that yes, it is.
Frightened by Grant's venomous tone, Cindy flees from the mayor's apartment. Cameron was dismayed to learn that his newborn son might have meningitis and will require an immediate spinal tap. Meanwhile, Gary comes to Josie's hospital room and asks his wife why she lied to him for so long about the child she was carrying---a child he grew to love so much. Realizing she has to reveal the rest of her deception, Josie shakily admits to an enraged Gary how she altered his test results to hide the fact that he can never father any children. Cindy describes for Jake the encounter she just witnessed between his wife and Grant, then reports that the mayor and Vicky have scheduled another rendezvous at a sleazy hotel. Sharlene urges her son-in-law to remember that it takes more than genes to link a father to his child. Josie completes her painful round of confessions by informing a stunned Joe that she was the one who tampered with evidence and helped Grant get off the hook. Cindy dons a blonde wig and sets a seduction scene at the Sinbad Hotel. After giving Jake a glimpse of "Vicky" in bed with her ex, Cindy vanishes, leaving Grant to face the jealous husband alone. Josie and Cameron are devastated when their infant son succumbs to heart failure. Later, Sharlene delivers the heartbreaking news to Gary. Cindy offers to lead Joe to the tape. Gary heads to a bar and begins drinking.
Tito conveniently dropped a book so Paulina would see how much he wants to go to college. He told Paulina how hard he was working so he can pay his way through school. Paulina offered to help. Tito asked to help with his college entry essay. Paulina agreed. After Tito left, Paulina asked Remy why was she looking so upset. Remy attempted to tell Paulina the truth about Tito but was interrupted by Nick.
Nick told Remy that he didn't care that she kissed Tito. Remy and Nick made up and she began to confide in Nick about her concern for Paulina and Tito. Nick immediately jumped to the conclusion that Tito was up to no good. Remy became defensive and the two began to argue again.
Jake warned Grant to stay away from Vicky. Jake was jealous of Grant's confidence that Vicky will soon be with Grant. Jake tried to choke Grant. Mr. Frameman showed up and broke up the brawl in Grant's defense. After Jake left, Mr. Frameman gave Grant the info that he wanted on Vicky. Grant eagerly raced to share the information with Joe.
At the pier, Cindy tried to convince Joe that she was the one who can put Grant behind bars. Joe didn't believe her. He attempted to arrest her unless she told Joe where the tape is. Finally, Cindy told Joe it was in the water. Joe didn't believe her. Grant showed up and wanted to know what the two were talking about. Joe demanded to know what Grant was doing there. Grant warned Cindy that he might have to tell Joe about the secret that he and Cindy share. Cindy became frightened then left as per Grant's request. After Cindy left, Grant told Joe that he had evidence that Paulina made a profit from selling her first born child. He would destroy the evidence if Joe gives Grant the file and the tape.
After Joe left, Cindy went to see Grant back at the pier. Cindy was frightened for Grant. He seemed to be too calm. Grant told Cindy about his conversations with Jake and Joe. Grant expressed his anger, as well as a tear or two, to Cindy. He said he hated that stinking town. Cindy told Grant how worried she was because when she talks to Grant, it was like he was dead. Grant kissed Cindy good-bye. As Grant walked away, Cindy yelled, "Someone has to stop you." Grant replied, "You could try."
Joe went to see Paulina at Carlino's. He told Paulina about Grant's ultimatum. Joe tried to convince Paulina that she needs to tell Tito that she sold him right after she gave birth to him. An outraged Paulina worried about Tito's reaction.
Paulina went to Tito's. He saw her coming up the stairs. So he faked a nightmare leaving Paulina worried that he was abused by his foster parents. Tito began to open up to Paulina about his childhood. Paulina was feeling guilty and decided to get Tito out of Bay City and into college as soon as possible. Paulina gave Tito a little motherly advice about being a good person, gave him a hug, and left. Tito showed a little concern for Paulina hoping that she will never find out about him. He doesn't want Paulina to get hurt. He tried to convince himself that she will be okay.
At Tito's apartment, Remy confided in Tito about her argument with Nick. Tito tried to talk her out of caring for Nick.
Vicky tried to sneak out of her house when Donna caught her and told Vicky that Jake went to warn Grant that Vicky loves Jake. Donna accused Vicky of being obsessive. Vicky called Donna obsessive for hitting Marley with the car. The two began to argue. Vicky apologized. Donna warned Vicky that her marriage will be in jeopardy if she continues to see Grant. Just then, an angry Jake walked in.
Jake tried to not lose his temper with Vicky, but eventually he lost it. Jake was upset because Vicky had taken this thing with Grant too far. Vicky was insulted when Jake suggested that Vicky would go as far as to sleep with Grant. Jake admitted that that was what Grant had implied when he was with Grant earlier. Jake gave Vicky an ultimatum. She was to make travel arrangements to anywhere for the two of them and the boys or Jake would take matters into his own hands. Vicky refused to go along with his plan. She agreed with the fact that she has gone too far and that she will not pursue this anymore, but she was not going to run away either. Jake was thinking that Vicky really loved Grant and stormed out.
Jake went to see Joe at Carlino's. The two men discussed Grant's strange behavior. Paulina returned to Carlino's to find out that Joe disappeared with Jake. Grant showed up. Paulina told Grant to get out. She told him what it was like to try to escape a burning house. She began to visualize Grant burning in the middle of the restaurant. After some cruel comments, Paulina went ballistic and tried to deck him. Nick played "hero" and held Paulina back. Grant left Carlino's laughing while Paulina made death threats to him. Back at Vicky's, Donna told Vicky that she should leave town with Jake. Vicky was feeling uilty and vowed to do whatever Jake wants her to do. Vicky saw Jake coming to the door from the window. She thanked Donna for her advice and raced to the door. She opened the door to find Jake standing there with Joe. Joe informed Vicky that she was under arrest for the shooting of Grant Harrison.
Gary says his goodbyes to Gary Jr. after everyone else leaves. A hand touches his shoulder, and he thinks at first that it's Josie, but it's Cindy. Cindy and Gary help each other through their grief. Cindy says he's her only friend, and she'll do anything for him. He asks her to keep him company while he went and drinks some more. She questions whether that's the best thing to do, but went with him. They get drunk together. She told him about the night she shot Grant. Gary thinks it's too bad she didn't kill him. They leave to break into Grant's apartment. Paulina worries about how she was going to tell Tito that she sold her baby. Remy sees she was upset, and told her not to worry, because if Paulina was Remy's mother, Remy could forgive anything she's done. Rachel finds Paulina and says the bank just informed her that Paulina wants to withdraw a sizeable amount from her trust fund. She asks why. Paulina doesn't want to tell Rachel why she needs the money, but Rachel, as a trustee, has to know. So Paulina told her she had a baby when she was 16, and she wants to put him through college. Rachel warns her that money won't make up for all those lost years, and that she's handing over all that money to a total stranger. Tito overhears, and freaks out a little, but Paulina won't be swayed. Rachel says more DNA testing should be done, and if he's really her son, he won't object. Tito's worried and starts to rush off. Remy asks him if he's running away. He says yes and asks her to come with him. Remy asks him why he's running away. He says he's tired of everyone thinking the worst of him. He wants to go to school and make a new life for himself. Remy thinks there's more to it than that. Paulina refuses any more DNA tests; it would be like saying she doesn't believe in her son. She then told Rachel she sold her baby, but Rachel was understanding. Paulina says that unless someone stops Grant dead in his tracks, he'll go public with the information and destroy her, Joe, and Tito.
Donna and Jake argue about Jake's decision to have Vicky arrested to keep her away from Grant. The boys come home and ask where Vicky is. Jake tries to lie about it, but Steven knows he's lying. Jake tries to avoid answering the boys' questions, but eventually told them their mother was in jail for her own protection.
Tyrone told Marley that the judge has postponed her trial indefinitely. He says they want to evaluate her for another six months to make sure she's competent to stand trial. She'll have to remain in the hospital for that time. She gets upset because she knows she was making progress. Grant comes in and makes it known that he's responsible for the judge's decision. Tyrone starts to get angry, so Grant simply threatens to take his career away. Before he leaves, Tyrone told Marley he'll fix things, and told Grant that his reign of terror in this town was over. Marley told Grant that when Kirkland finds out what kind of man his father is, he'll hate him, but Grant just laughs and says she's just upset because she will be locked up in the hospital for six more months, perhaps longer. He told her she has no one to blame for that but herself.
Tyrone visits Donna to inform her about Marley's trial being postponed, and that it was Grant's doing. He also blames Jake, because he used Marley's feelings to get her to talk to him about Grant. Jake denies any responsibility. Donna wants to visit Marley. She and Jake go to the hospital. Jake visits with Marley first. He thanks her for telling him about Grant and Cindy. She wants him to help her get out of the hospital, but he refuses. She says he just wants her to pay forever for what she did to Vicky, and he agrees. He blames Marley for Vicky's obsession with Grant, and says that because of Marley's actions, he had to put Vicky in jail for her own protection.
Grant finds Joe at the docks. He reminds Joe that if they find the tape, he'll use what he knows against Paulina. Joe told Grant he'll be sorry he ever started this, then leaves. Freeman told Grant that the boat was ready for him and his guest for tomorrow.
Gary and Cindy are snooping around Grant's apartment. Gary went into the den, and Grant comes home. He sees Cindy and attacks her. Gary runs out and grabs Grant. He told him to get his hands off Cindy, or he'll kill him. Gary tries to hit Grant, but misses since he's somewhat drunk. Cindy gets between the two of them before they can hurt each other. Grant kicks them out. Cindy thanks Gary for protecting her. He says when he saw Grant attacking her, it was like watching what his father used to do to his mother. He says if he ever sees Grant touch her like that again, he'll kill him.
Tito told Remy he just wants to get out of Bay City, and wants her to come with him. She doesn't want to leave, but says she'll think about it. He's about to leave, but Paulina comes out of the kitchen and introduces him to Rachel. They talk a while before Rachel leaves. Tito is sure she hates him, but Paulina assures him that's not true. Paulina again tries to tell him that she sold him, but he says he doesn't want to talk right now. He told her maybe it's time he left Bay City. She says there will always be a place for him there, and that she could never give him up again. She calls him, "my baby" and give him a big hug.
Donna and Marley talk about how Grant was making Vicky do crazy things. Marley says Grant has to be stopped, but Donna says there's no way, short of killing him, to accomplish that. After Donna leaves, Marley fantasizes about putting Grant in a straightjacket and choking him. Marley promises herself that she'll get rid of Grant; she owes Vicky that much. She hides in a laundry cart to get out of the hospital. Tyrone tries to get Joe to do something to stop Grant from keeping Marley in the hospital. Joe says there's nothing he can do at the moment. They need the tape first. Jake says they better hurry, because they can't keep Vicky in jail forever. Joe says no one wants to get Grant more than he does. Don't bet on it, replies Jake.