Owner of Chandler Corporation
Killed during a scuffle over a gun
Sunny Chisholm (deceased)
Unknown woman (mother of Liz)
Noelle Curtis (granddaughter)
Todd Chandler (son)
Marlena Evans (rape)
Raped Marlena Evans
Responsible for the death of his wife, Sunny
Kellam Chandler moved to Salem in 1980 with aims to take over Anderson Manufacturing. Soon after, Kellam's daughter Liz, from his first marriage, came to Salem to live with him. Kellam had set his sights on Marlena, gave her husband Don a position in his company, and was determined to break up Don and Marlena's marriage. In 1981 when Marlena refused Kellam's advances toward her, he raped her. Later Josh Fallon confronted Kellam about his role in the death/suicide of his mother Sunny Chandler, and eventually Josh pulled a gun on him. Joshua couldn't shout Kellam (who happened to be his stepfather). When he dropped the gun Kellam picked it up and was about to shoot Josh when Todd Chandler came in and wrestled with his father. As they wrestled the gun went off, and Kellam was killed.
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